Home>Products>Bosch Rexroth A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps>A4VSO250DS1-22W-PZB13T031Z-S1 BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps
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A4VSO250DS1-22W-PZB13T031Z-S1 BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps
Bosch Rexroth A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps
With 31 mm C over 10170 full-service stores, our A4VSO250DS1-22W-PZB13T031Z-S1 BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps inventory is extensive and our parts are priced right. within 33.350 kN Pu 24 hours. This helps you maximize BOSCH REXROTH A10VNO AXIAL PISTON PUMPS SUPPLIER your productivity by saving time and your hard-earned dollars.
- 33.350 kN
- 31 mm
- 242 kN
- 287 kN
- 160 mm
- 40 mm
- 37 mm
- 2.5 mm
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Types of Bosch Rexroth A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps
- 33.350 kN
- 31 mm
- 242 kN
- 287 kN
- 160 mm
- 40 mm
- 37 mm
- 2.5 mm
- 75 mm
- 1 mm
- 3 mm
- 32 mm
BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO250DS1-22W-PZB13T031Z-S1 Bosch Rexroth A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps Specification details
AA4VSO180 LR2/30R-PPB13N00-SO134 BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps | Category:Flange Block; Inventory:0.0; Minimum Buy Quantity:N/A; Weight:4.54; Product Group:M06288; Number of Mounting Holes:4; Mounting Method:Eccentric Collar; Housing Style:4 Bolt Square Flange Block; Rolling Element:Spherical Roller Bearing; Housing Material:Cast Steel; Expansion / Non-expansion:Non-expansion; Mounting Bolts:1/2 Inch; Relubricatable:Yes; Insert Part Number:22208; Seals:Triple Lip Nitrile Rubber; |
A4VSO250DRG-10X-PPB13N BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps | hidTable:ecat_NSANGB; LangID:1; SRI:2.48; fo:12.6; D_:26; r1:0.15; KBRG:7217; GRS rpm:36000; C0:5; r:0.3; SBRG:10; Z_:9; DE_:22.748; B_:8; yobi:7000CTYNDF; db:12.5; ao:3.2; SDM_:17.978; SRE:2.48; ra:0.3; |
A4VSO250DFR-10X-PPB13N BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps | r:1.5; D_:130; hidYobi:NJ215EM; DE_:118.5; C0:156; r1:1.5; Fw:88.5; Prod_Type3:CRB_SR_NJ; C:130; dc min:90; rb:1.5; DA_:15; db max:86; db min:83; GRS rpm:4800; B_:25; D_a max:122; TSR rpm:5300; Z_:18; C_conv:130000; |
A4VSO180LR2F-22R-PPB13N00-SO134 BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps | rs (min):7.5 mm; d:460 mm; Pu:5720 kN; Dynamic (Cr):12 mm; with cylindrical bore:320 min-1; Grease:10950 kN; Static (Cor):22.3 mm; B:240 mm; D:760 mm; with tapered bore:380 min-1; Oil:768.770 kN; |
A A4VSO 125 DRG/22R-PPB13N BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps | SRIN:-0.04; da min:59; hidYobi:6310VV; SBRG:3; SREX:0.04; DE_:101.05; r:2; GRS rpm:6000; ra:2; mass:1.06; Prod_Type3:DGBB_SR_VV; yobi:6310VV; SRE:9.86; SRIX:0.04; DI_:62.95; DA_:19.05; d:50; SDM_:82; D_:110; LangID:1; |
APAA4VSO 250 FE1/30L-PSD63K18 -SO859 BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps | d:30 ; Da:65 max; rs (min):1.1 mm; ra:1 max; da:37 min; Dynamic (Cr):43.688 kN; B:30.2 mm; Pu:1.645 kN; Grease:6 000 min-1; D:72 mm; a:47 mm; Static (Cor):36.200 kN; Bearing designation:3306 ; Oil:7 100 min-1; Weight:0.58 kg; |
A4VSO500 OV-30R-PZH13K07 BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps | ALPHA_:15; SDM_:102.432; D_b:120; SBRG:10; Z_:20; SRE:7.02; SRIX:0.05; hidTable:ecat_NSANGB; ra:1; mass:1.932; C_conv:95500; B_:22; SREX:0.05; KBRG:7114; da:87; ALP21:15; r1:0.6; DI_:88.918; DA_:13.494; Prod_Type3:ACBB_SR_MM_DB; |
A4VSO355DP-22R-PPB13N BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps | yobi:NN3019; DE_:132; D_a max:137; hidYobi:NN3019; C0:246; Z_:28; GRS rpm:4000; SDM_:121; DI_:110; D_:145; d1a min:104; Oil rpm:5000; ra max:1.5; d:95; Prod_Type3:CRB_SR_NN_CB; r:1.5; B_:37; da min:103; DA_:11; C:150; |
AE A4VSO250DR-10X-PPB13N00-SO86 BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps | Grease:1.770 kN; with tapered bore:2315 ; Pu:43.000 kN; B:55 mm; rs Dynamic (Cr):2.1 mm; B1:mm; Static (Cor):126.690 kN; Oil:3 500 min-1; d:75 mm; with cylindrical bore:4 200 min-1; D:160 mm; |
ALAA4VSO 180 DRG/22R-PSD63K17-SO859 BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps | fo:14.4; Z_:10; ra:1.5; C0:40; DE_:109.169; C_conv:57500; r:1.5; GRS rpm:5300; C:57.5; KBRG:6101; hidTable:ecat_NSRDGB; yobi:6213; da min:73; D_a:112; SREX:0.03; DA_:16.669; d:65; hidYobi:6213; D_:120; SREN:-0.03; |
A4VSO125DR-22R-PPB13N BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps | Dynamic (Cr):5.594 kN; ra:0.3 max; D:32 mm; Oil:25 000 min-1; Bearing designation:6002 ; d:15 mm; Grease:21 000 min-1; Da:30 max; Pu:0.130 kN; B:9 mm; da:17 min; Static (Cor):2.865 kN; rs:0.3 mm; Weight:0.03 kg; |
A4VSO71DR-10R-PPB13N BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps | Z_:13; KBRG:4121; TSR rpm:3800; D_b max:212; C_conv:340000; DA_:30; C0:390; LangID:1; D_a max:212; hidTable:ecat_NSCLDR; hidYobi:NF321W; D_b min:200; ra:2.5; B_:49; mass:9; DI_:135; D_:225; rb:2.5; Prod_Type3:CRB_SR_NF; r:3; |
No. | Brand | C | a | X | G | e | H | E | F |
A4VSO125DR-30R-FPB13N | BOSCH REXROTH | 205 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
AE A4VSO250DR-30R-PPB13N | BOSCH REXROTH | 108 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A4VSO750EO2E-30R-PPH25N | BOSCH REXROTH | 119 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A4VSO500LR3D-22R-VPH13K43 | BOSCH REXROTH | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A4VSO125LR2Z-30R-PZB13N | BOSCH REXROTH | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A A4VSO 125 DFR1/30R-PZB13L60 -SO 86 | BOSCH REXROTH | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
AA4VSO 125 FRG1/22R-PKD63L40 -SO465 | BOSCH REXROTH | 104 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A4VSO180DR-22R-PPB13L66-SO103 | BOSCH REXROTH | 242 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A4VSO355LR2G-30R-PPB13N | BOSCH REXROTH | 66.5 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A AA4VSO 180 DRG/30R-PKD63N | BOSCH REXROTH | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A4VSO250DFE1-30R-PPB13N | BOSCH REXROTH | 7.65 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A4VSO40DFR-10R-PPB13N | BOSCH REXROTH | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
AA4VSO71HS4/10R-PPB13K33 | BOSCH REXROTH | 400 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A A4VSO 250 DP/30R-PPB13N00 -SO 19 | BOSCH REXROTH | 48.5 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
AE A4VSO71DFR-10X-PZB13K00-SO42 | BOSCH REXROTH | - | 17.9 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A A4VSO 250 DP/30R-PZB13N | BOSCH REXROTH | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A4VSO500HD1B-30L-PZH25K34 | BOSCH REXROTH | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A4VSO250 OV-22R-PPB13K01 | BOSCH REXROTH | 212 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A A4VSO 500 HS1E/10X-PPH13N00-SO24 | BOSCH REXROTH | 128 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
AL A4VSO 250 HD1B/30L-PZB25K00-S1952 | BOSCH REXROTH | 116 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
AE AA4VSO180DR-22R-VKD63N00-SO62 | BOSCH REXROTH | - | - | - | - | - | - | mm | 340 mm |
A4VSO71DR-10X-PZB13K33 | BOSCH REXROTH | 131 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A4VSO250LR2N-10R-PPB13N00-SO534 | BOSCH REXROTH | - | - | - | - | - | 19 mm | - | - |
AP A4VSO 520 LR3DN/30L-VZH25K00-S1638 | BOSCH REXROTH | - | - | - | - | - | 18 mm | - | - |
AA4VSO40DR-10R-PKD63N | BOSCH REXROTH | 222 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A4VSO250DS1-22W-PZB13T031Z-S1 BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps Video
Axial piston variable pump (A)A4VSO Series 1X and 30
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Axial piston variable pump - A4VSO - Bosch Rexroth
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A4VSO- the continuous operator | Bosch Rexroth AG
Bosch Rexroth A4VSO Variable Displacement Pumps Part series A4VSO250DS1-22W-PZB13T031Z-S1 is a potential replacement for these common bearing part numbers:
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BOSCH REXROTH A4VSO250DS1-22W-PZB13T031Z-S1 Technical Articles
Does a piston pump create flow or pressure? |
What are the different types of piston pumps? |
What are the two types of piston pump? |
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